

Women dedicated to North American Wildlife conservation efforts, and inspiring fellow women and young girls to expand their knowledge of the outdoor sporting world.

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VIRTUAL: Animal Fat Workshop

VIRTUAL: Animal Fat Workshop

Members will receive a list and links for supplies needed in advance. Members will have access to an online recipe book google drive that everyone can add to! Members will learn about the history and how ingredients work. What animal fat can be used for. Live demo And...

FL: Meet & Greet

FL: Meet & Greet

Come hang out with ADC Florida at the Florida Farm Finders, Meet Florida Meat event! This two day event is chock full of 60 +farms and vendors and fun for everyone. From their Website:Is it just meat?! NO! But the meat that we do bring...

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Embrace the wild within, as we come together as a tribe of outdoor-loving warrior women. United by our love for nature, adventure, and camaraderie, we stand strong as fearless outdoor enthusiasts. Join us in our quest for conservation, laughter, and sisterhood, celebrating each other’s strengths under the open sky.



Our sponsor list continues to grow because reputable companies believe in what we’re doing! Prois, ScentLok, DSG Outerwear, Wild Child Charters, Forget Genetics LLC, Hunters Blend Coffee, and more!



Join American Daughters of Conservation where we roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty to make a real impact on the environment. From fundraising to planting trees, habitat management to clean-ups, our boots on the ground approach ensures that we are actively preserving our planet for future generations. 


ADC Events

Our dedicated leadership team is committed to creating unforgettable experiences that inspire, educate, and empower women while making a positive impact on conservation efforts. Together, we are shaping a brighter future for our planet and the generations to come.

Grow with us!

Recent years have brought ADC more blessings than we can even count. We have grown to over 500 Members & 15 Chapters across 41 states, which also called for expanding our Leadership team.
What does that mean? The relationships & camaraderie in our organization are blossoming every day. We have more boots on the ground than ever, contributing to habitat management, trash-clean up, planting trees, educational opportunities & so much more. More women are volunteering their time & resources to conserve our great outdoors. Our sponsor list has grown because reputable companies BELIEVE in what we are doing! The opportunities, connections & impacts we make just keep getting better & we owe it all to the women that make up the body of ADC. Words can not express how grateful we are for all of this, & all of YOU!