About Us
Women dedicated to North American Wildlife conservation efforts, and inspiring fellow women and young girls to expand their knowledge of the outdoor sporting world.
About Us
Who We Are
American Daughters of Conservation was established in 2017 as a means for passionate, like-minded outdoor women to empower one another and give back to the environment. We have come together to conserve wild game habitat and educate women and young ladies in all things outdoors. ADC is a national organization with members in 36 states and we’re continuing to grow every day. Our outdoor way of life is important to us and to our future generations. As a non profit 501(c)(3) organization, all the proceeds go towards conservation efforts and member education.
We strive to create a safe, relaxed, and judgment free environment for women to learn about everything in the outdoor sporting world, from hunting to fishing and everything in between. For the experienced huntress and fisher, this is your chance to meet and collaborate with other women who share the same passion for outdoor sports.

Brenna Nuckols
I have always enjoyed the outdoors even as a small child my favorite activities were always outside, but it was not until I was in college that I discovered my love for hunting and fishing. As I began to get more involved in these activities, I noticed that it always seemed to be a small group of guys, and then me! Not to discredit the boys, I enjoy hunting and fishing with them all, very much! We always have a hoot! However, I started to think, “It would be so nice to have a group of awesome girls that I could throw in my pick up truck and just go for a day on the water fishing, or for a weekend in the woods hunting, and not have to have the boys tag along!” After years of pondering and scouting, I discovered there were lots of women like me who love hunting and fishing already but wanted the same female outdoors comradeship, and there were even more that had always been interested in learning how to hunt and fish, but were either intimidated to start or had no venue to do so.
After a few more years of pondering I decided to create American Daughters of Conservation. A group of like minded females who strive to create a fun, relaxed and judgment free way for women to learn and thrive in all outdoor sports. Most importantly I wanted my organization to do some good, so supporting our nations on going conservation efforts seemed only natural. Through our hard work I know that our future generations will reap the same benefits from wild game and fish that we have. Even though we have only been an official organization since January 2017, we have already recruited over 200 members and are in 30 different states, put on several events and found 7 amazing sponsors. Seeing more and more women get involved is like watching a dizzy day dream come true in real time. You ladies are amazing and thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting this organization! LET THE ADVENTURES CONTINUE!
About Us
Our Goals
Our thoughts/dreams for this organization and one of the largest reasons why it was started is because we love the outdoors and want to help preserve one of our nations longest traditions (hunting). The outdoors offer so many incredible learning experiences. We want to contribute as much as we can to leaving that door open for future generations.
As ‘American Daughters of Conservation’ we plan to help create quality wildlife habitat, contribute to the reintroduction of species to areas that they once thrived, teaching proper wildlife management, being an outlet for women to ask questions on bettering their property, etc. We don’t plan on being species specific, in fact we plan on being just the opposite.
Short Term Goals
Short term goals for the next few years include continuing to fundraise, recruit members, schedule and host outdoor educational events, and continue working with our local fish and game on conservation projects.
As we develop a strong member base in other states across the US, it is in our direct pursuit to find out from our members, local and state conservation groups, and Game and Fish where we can help. From there we will target projects, implement a plan and allocate the proper resources in order to help to the best of our abilities.
Long Term Goals
Eventually, in the long term goals are to raise enough money to acquire land and keep it for conservation purposes nation wide. In addition, we plan to work with land owners and help them facilitate their land to sustain habitat, and to work with other conservation partners either by volunteering or donating.
Furthermore, we have plans to help in restocking lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water with indigenous species to that area. In todays outdoor sporting industry we have found that there are a lot of women who have the same core beliefs and interests.
A single voice might not be heard or have the power to significantly make a difference, but as a group, as an organization – we can accomplish great things. We would love for you to join and be apart of what we are doing.
One of our main priorities has always been, and always will be, to educate and empower women and children in the outdoors. In 2019 we introduced our ADC Junior Membership, and we strongly encourage our junior members to get involved with us. Each chapter partakes in several education classes each year hosted by other organizations that include trapping education, land management, habitat management, archery courses, firearms safety, and more.
Stay tuned for our member driven mentor program that is currently in the works for 2023 and will continue moving forward. We have a few webinars on the schedule, and are working on additional classes, trainings, how-to videos and more!
About Us
Our Members
American Daughters of Conservation is comprised of over 500 women and young girls who all share a passion for the outdoors. We have created a community that empowers women from every walk of life to get involved. Whether you’re a first-timer, or seasoned veteran in the outdoor sporting world – you’ll fit right in!
About Us
Our Leaders
We are blessed to have such a passionate team of leaders on our side. These women volunteer their time and resources for this organization, because they believe in what we’re doing! Each one of our leaders has an entire life outside of American Daughters of Conservation. Mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, friends, employees, business owners, outdoor women – the list of hats each of our leaders wears goes on & on.
Become a Member
Member Benefits
Embrace the wild within, as we come together as a tribe of outdoor-loving warrior women. United by our love for nature, adventure, and camaraderie, we stand strong as fearless outdoor enthusiasts. Join us in our quest for conservation, laughter, and sisterhood, celebrating each other’s strengths under the open sky.
Our sponsor list continues to grow because reputable companies believe in what we’re doing! Prois, ScentLok, DSG Outerwear, Wild Child Charters, Forget Genetics LLC, Hooks Custom Calls, Hunters Blend Coffee, and more!
Join American Daughters of Conservation where we roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty to make a real impact on the environment. From fundraising to planting trees, habitat management to clean-ups, our boots on the ground approach ensures that we are actively preserving our planet for future generations.
ADC Events
Our dedicated leadership team is committed to creating unforgettable experiences that inspire, educate, and empower women while making a positive impact on conservation efforts. Together, we are shaping a brighter future for our planet and the generations to come.
Grow with us!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is ADC's Mission Statement?
Our mission statement is to be Women dedicated to North American land and wildlife conservation efforts, while inspiring fellow women and young girls to expand their knowledge of the outdoor sporting world.
What is ADC’s long-term goal?
Our long-term goal is to purchase land across the US for conservation purposes and member utilization. This goal is funded by our members’ annual dues. Each member contributes $40 annually and those funds are allocated solely for this purpose. It was decided by ADC Leadership that when our Land Purchase Fund reaches $100,000.00, we will begin our search for the organization’s first piece of property.
While working toward land purchase, what are the immediate ADC goals?
Our current focus is on Outdoor Education for Women and Young Ladies. ADC Leadership works to plan events that provide Members with the opportunity to learn, improve, or share their knowledge of various skills throughout the year. As their knowledge of the Outdoors grows so does their commitment to conservation. ADC frequently collaborates with our local DNRs and other organizations to assist with conservation efforts in our local areas.
Does ADC have its 501(C)3 non-profit status? What does that mean?
Yes. ADC was awarded its 501(c)3 status by the IRS in January 2017. This means we are a tax-exempt non-profit organization. Funds raised by our organization are done so for the benefit our mission and not for the benefit of a private shareholder or individual(s). This also means that donations made to our organization are tax deductible.
Does the organization have employees?
No. Not even one. ADC is staffed by volunteers, meaning no one in a Leadership position is paid or reimbursed for the time and effort they put into our organization.
Is ADC a hunting club?
Hunting and Fishing are common interests shared by many of our members. ADC makes it a point to let our Leaders and other members plan and host all kinds of events, including hunting and fishing trips, but ADC is NOT a hunting club. Our members take it upon themselves to plan and pay for their own participation in these events.
What is the current size of the organization?
ADC currently has over 500 active members across the United States.
Who makes up the ADC Leadership Team?
ADC’s Leadership Team is made up of 7 National Board Members and Leadership Team members from our State Chapters. More information on our Leaders can be found here.
There isn’t a local chapter in my state, how is one started?
A state is officially declared a “Chapter” when it has 10 or more members join the national organization. At that time the National Board will appoint a State President to assist with the organizing local events.
VIRTUAL: Shed Hunting 101
Join us virtually with Nick Campagna, a Maine and Vermont guide, to talk about the ins and outs of shed hunting! Nick will talk a little bit about his background, and break down how he looks for sheds. He also will take any and all questions from participants! *FREE...
VIRTUAL: Tracking 101
Join us virtually with Nick Campagna, a Maine and Vermont guide, to talk about the ins and outs of shed hunting! Nick will talk a little bit about his background, and break down how he looks for sheds. He also will take any and all questions from participants! *Member...
FL: L.O.S.T – Ladies Outdoors Skills Training – Ocala, FL
The Florida Chapter of the American Daughters of Conservation is excited to announce our 2nd Annual L.O.S.T. (Ladies Outdoors Skills Training) workshop, taking place from April 4-6, 2025, in Ocala, FL. This weekend will be filled with educational opportunities for...